Chesapeake Feline Association
General Spay and Neuter Voucher Program
What is Spay/Neuter?
Spaying is the procedure used for female cats. Neutering refers to the procedure used for male cats. In both cases cats’ reproductive organs are removed. Through spaying or neutering, you can help your cats have a happier, healthier, and longer life. In both cases the operation is performed while the cat is under anesthesia.
What is the process?
The process is on-line and very simple. Through the online scheduling system you will enter basic information about
yourself and your cat and then select a day for the surgery. You will drop off the cat at the center by 7:30 on surgery day. A team of cat loving vets and technicians will lovingly care for your cat though the surgery and you will pick up your cat by 5 PM. At home care instructions will be provided.
What are the requirements to participate in this program?
The surgical suite is open to everyone. Note: the services are only for cats, no dogs or other pets, and kittens must be over 2 pounds and must be 12 weeks old. If you are in need financial assistance or looking for services for a stray cat for a TNR, please see our Low Income Spay and Neuter Program or our TNR Program for Stray Cats.
Miss Cat's Spay and Neuter Surgical Suite Low Cost Vouchers cost $125.00 and includes the following:
- Spay or neuter
- Rabies vaccine
- Distemper
Simply click on the button below to make your appointment
and purchase your low cost voucher.