Chesapeake Feline Association
Community Stats

One of the largest challenges facing animal welfare organizations today is the sheer number of animals in need of assistance. Every year, approximately 6.5 million companion animals arrive at one of the community animal shelters nationwide.
Although animals enter shelters for a variety of reasons, the majority of shelter populations are comprised of strays, rescues and surrenders:
Stray animals are often found on the streets and brought in by Good Samaritans or local law authorities. Unchecked stray populations tend to grow in areas without accessible and affordable spay/neuter services.
Animals rescued from cruelty can come from situations like hoarding cases, dog fighting rings and puppy mills. These animals often suffer from trauma and require extra care and rehabilitation.
Surrendered animals are animals whose owners can no longer care for them due to financial, behavioral or other unforeseen barriers.
Due to these overwhelming intake rates, shelters often struggle to adopt out all—or even most—of the animals who come through their doors. With so many lives at stake, it’s important to understand exactly what we’re up against:*
In 2023, approximately 690,000 animals are euthanized (360,00 dogs and 330,000 cats).
Approximately 4.8 million shelter animals were adopted in 2023 (2.2 million dogs and 2.6 million cats).
About 710,000 animals who enter shelters as strays are returned to their owners (620,000 dogs and 90,000 cats).
Of the dogs entering shelters, approximately 48% are adopted and 20% are euthanized
Of the cats entering shelters, approximately 50% are adopted and 27% are euthanized
About twice as many animals enter shelters as strays compared to the number that are relinquished by their owners.
Of the approximately 6.5 million companion animals who enter shelters nationwide every year, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats.
*These estimates are based in part on Shelter Animals Count data and other known and estimated sources, 2015-2018. Currently, no government institution or animal organization is responsible for tabulating national statistics for the animal protection movement. These are national estimates; the figures may vary from state to state.
In order for CFA to receive funding through grants, we are required to supply a quarterly report of our intake for our community. At the end of the year we total this information an provide publicly to the community.
Chesapeake Feline Association 2023 Statistics

Other: Born to a rescued queen or trapped feral
Returned TNR
Our calculated ending count breakdown is different from our actual breakdown due to kittens "aging up" through the year